Hey there! Welcome to ERP Derp Publishing, where creativity thrives, stories come alive, and… a little construction dust is flying around.


We’re excited to inform you that we’re giving our website a well-deserved makeover. Picture us working tirelessly with hard hats (and maybe a few coffee stains) to create a shiny, new platform that’s as fabulous as the content we’re cooking up for you. Our goal? To make your experience smoother, friendlier, and downright delightful!

What’s going on behind the scenes, you ask? Oh, just a little magic. We’re sprucing up our design, fine-tuning our features, and ensuring everything is perfect for our favorite people—that’s you! In the meantime, you might notice a few tools lying around and some areas of the site temporarily roped off. Don’t worry. It’s all part of the grand plan.

While we’re at it, we’d love to stay in touch! Please use our contact form to share your email address with us. This will only notify you when ERP Derp Publishing officially opens its virtual doors. We promise to keep it simple and respect your inbox—just a friendly update when the big day arrives!

So, kick back, relax, and maybe grab a book while we work on building the best possible space for our community of readers and creators. We’re so grateful for your support and can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on. The countdown to the big reveal has officially begun—stay tuned!


With love, laughs, and a sprinkle of construction chaos,

— The ERP Derp Publishing Team

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