The Truth Wars are long forgotten, but the scars remain. The silenced weapons lay tangled in the overgrowth. The moss-covered, robust biosphere had been decimated. Populations were killed off by the toxic atmosphere that was poisonous to humans. The air was thick with pollution, grey skies, and ground haze, making visibility challenging to see more than a few hundred yards. The only signs of civilization were the lonesome, decaying structures dotting the landscape. There were no urban centers, only rugged terrain as far as the eye could see. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 4 pg 249 –

 The Truth Wars are long forgotten, but the scars remain. The silenced weapons lay tangled in the overgrowth. The moss-covered, robust biosphere had been decimated. Populations were killed off by the toxic atmosphere that was poisonous to humans. The air was thick with pollution, grey skies, and ground haze, making visibility challenging to see more than a few hundred yards. The only signs of civilization were the lonesome, decaying structures dotting the landscape. There were no urban centers, only rugged terrain as far as the eye could see. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 4 pg 249 –

The Truth Wars are long forgotten, but the scars remain. The silenced weapons lay tangled in the overgrowth. The moss-covered, robust biosphere had been decimated. Populations were killed off by the toxic atmosphere that was poisonous to humans. The air was thick with pollution, grey skies, and ground haze, making visibility challenging to see more than a few hundred yards. The only signs of civilization were the lonesome, decaying structures dotting the landscape. There were no urban centers, only rugged terrain as far as the eye could see.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 4 pg 249 –
