he Yuconzin outpost on this frozen planet is rich in mineral deposits. However, the thin atmosphere and winter snows make it unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The limited population at Winter Camp must contend with the wind-swept snow drifts and rugged mountain terrain. Perpetual winter makes it a hostile environment for all but the hardiest souls. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 20 pg 22 –

 he Yuconzin outpost on this frozen planet is rich in mineral deposits. However, the thin atmosphere and winter snows make it unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The limited population at Winter Camp must contend with the wind-swept snow drifts and rugged mountain terrain. Perpetual winter makes it a hostile environment for all but the hardiest souls. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 20 pg 22 –

The Yuconzin outpost on this frozen planet is rich in mineral deposits. However, the thin atmosphere and winter snows make it unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The limited population at Winter Camp must contend with the wind-swept snow drifts and rugged mountain terrain. Perpetual winter makes it a hostile environment for all but the hardiest souls.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 20 pg 22 –
