Welcome to the Lawless Sector! Here you will find yourself in a realm of desolation, surrounded by desert and harsh terrain. The skies above are murky, polluted with acid rain and a toxic atmosphere that makes the air almost unbreathable. The land is tangled in its roots, with no signs of life or civilization for miles on end. The Lawless Sector has been a wasteland for centuries, unknown to many and feared by those who know it. Its desolate beauty only serves to test those brave enough to uncover its secrets, and its mysteries remain hidden away, just waiting for someone to come along and unlock them. This place is like no other, requiring strength, bravery, and courage from all who step foot onto its soil. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 1 pg. 327 –

Welcome to the Lawless Sector! Here you will find yourself in a realm of desolation, surrounded by desert and harsh terrain. The skies above are murky, polluted with acid rain and a toxic atmosphere that makes the air almost unbreathable. The land is tangled in its roots, with no signs of life or civilization for miles on end. The Lawless Sector has been a wasteland for centuries, unknown to many and feared by those who know it. Its desolate beauty only serves to test those brave enough to uncover its secrets, and its mysteries remain hidden away, just waiting for someone to come along and unlock them. This place is like no other, requiring strength, bravery, and courage from all who step foot onto its soil. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 1 pg. 327 –

Welcome to the Lawless Sector! Here you will find yourself in a realm of desolation, surrounded by desert and harsh terrain. The skies above are murky, polluted with acid rain and a toxic atmosphere that makes the air almost unbreathable. The land is tangled in its roots, with no signs of life or civilization for miles on end.

The Lawless Sector has been a wasteland for centuries, unknown to many and feared by those who know it. Its desolate beauty only serves to test those brave enough to uncover its secrets, and its mysteries remain hidden away, just waiting for someone to come along and unlock them. This place is like no other, requiring strength, bravery, and courage from all who step foot onto its soil.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 1 pg. 327 –
