The city never sleeps, and neither do I. My job is to keep watch over the automated factories that run 24/7, churning out goods for the upper levels of the city. I work the night shift in one of the rundown sections of the city. The pay is decent, but the work is monotonous and dull. The streets are empty and quiet, but the neon lights cast an eerie glow on the crumbling buildings. The factories are old and frail, held together by duct tape and prayers. They emit a constant hum that echoes through the empty streets. I've grown used to the noise, but it still gives me a headache. A city is a different place at night. The bright lights and bustling crowds of the day give way to darkness and silence. The only sign of life is the occasional scutter of a rat or the distant wail of a siren. The city's problems are more pronounced at night, the poverty and decay more obvious. I've seen things during my shifts that I wish I hadn't. The desperate and the desperate, eking out a living in the shadows. The addicts, the prostitutes, the gangs. They all seem to come out at night when the city is most vulnerable. Despite the dangers, I can't help but feel a sense of belonging in the city at night. It's my city, my home. I've seen it at its worst but also the moments of beauty and hope. The way neon lights reflect off the rain-slick streets, and the stars shine through the smog. I don't know what the future holds for the city or me. The government's relocation plans have everyone on edge. But I know I'll be here, watching over the city and its people, as long as I can. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 01 pg 11 -
"Down and Out" - Survivor's Diary Entries

Day 1:

The earthquake hit without warning. I was at work when the ground started shaking. I saw the building next to mine collapse before my eyes. I managed to get out alive, but I saw death everywhere. The streets are filled with rubble and debris, and injured, and dying people are around. I can’t believe this is happening.

Day 5:

I’ve been staying at a shelter since the earthquake. The conditions are terrible, overcrowded, and unsanitary. I’ve seen people die of their injuries and diseases. The government’s response has been slow and inadequate. I don’t know what’s going to happen to us.

Day 15:

I’ve decided to leave the shelter. I can’t take it anymore. I’ll try to find a way to survive on my own. I’ve lost everything, my home, my job, my friends. I’m alone now.

Day 30:

I’ve been living in the ruins of my home. There’s no electricity or running water. I’ve been scavenging for food and trying to stay alive. The city is a ghost town now. I can’t believe this is my life now.

Day 60:

I’ve joined a community of survivors. We’ve been working together to clear the rubble and rebuild our homes. We’re trying to make the best of a bad situation. It’s hard, but we’re all in this together.

Day 90:

I’ve seen progress. Some of the buildings are starting to be rebuilt. I’m hopeful for the future. We’ve formed a makeshift power grid and water system. We’ll get through this.

Day 120:

I’ve started a new job, helping to rebuild the city. It’s hard work, but it’s something. I feel like I’m part of something bigger than myself. I’m making a difference.

Day 180:

The rebuilding process is slow, but we’re making progress. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished. The city may never be the same as before, but it’s ours. We’ve made it through the disaster.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 01 pg 11 –
