Erp Derp PublishingDigital Art“Broken Sphere Over the City”
The city of Serk'Noor was shrouded in darkness, the thick clouds above blocking out the light of the stars. The broken sphere hovering over the city was a symbol of the power of the Rankkkoor Syndicate. This ruthless and powerful criminal organization controlled a large portion of the lawless sector. Captain Lyra of the Inter-Planetary Alliance (IPA) was on a mission to infiltrate the Rankkkoor Syndicate and gather intelligence about their operations. She had managed to secure a job as a security guard in Serk'Noor. She was now making her way to the city in a small shuttlecraft. As she approached the city, she could see the massive walls surrounding it, keeping the residents trapped inside and protected from the harsh outside environment. Serk'Noor was gloomy, with tall buildings and narrow, dark streets. Captain Lyra landed her shuttle in the city's main spaceport and made her way to the customs center for inbound space immigrants. The advanced technology that the Rankkkoor had at their disposal kept the number of vehicles in the city to a minimum, making it easier for them to track who was coming and going. She was met at the customs center by a group of heavily armed guards who scanned her ID and checked her ship for contraband. Satisfied that she posed no threat, they allowed her to proceed into the city. As she made her way through the narrow, dark streets, Captain Lyra couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The city was almost too quiet, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She eventually arrived at her new place of work, a tall, imposing building that served as the headquarters of the Rankkkoor Syndicate. Her new boss, a gruff, no-nonsense man named Vinn, showed her around the facility and introduced her to the other security guards. Captain Lyra quickly settled into her new role, keeping a low profile and gathering information about the Rankkkoor's operations. She soon discovered that the criminal organization was involved in all illegal activities, from weapons smuggling to human trafficking. One day, while on a routine patrol of the city, Captain Lyra stumbled upon a group of enslaved people being held captive in a secret underground facility. She quickly contacted the IPA and reported her findings, and a team was dispatched to raid the facility and rescue the enslaved people. The raid was a success, and Captain Lyra was hailed as a hero for her bravery and quick thinking. The IPA used the information she had gathered to dismantle the syndicate operations on Serk'Noor and bring its leaders to justice. As she looked out over the city from the viewport of her shuttlecraft, Captain Lyra couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had completed her mission and brought the Rankkkoor Syndicate to its knees. And the city of Serk'Noor was now a little brighter and safer because of her actions. As she took off and headed back to her ship orbiting the planet, Captain Lyra couldn't help but think about the future. The lawless sector was still vast and full of danger, but she was confident that the IPA would continue to protect and defend the galaxy against the forces of evil. The fight was far from over, but she was ready to take on the next challenge, wherever it may lead her. Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 12 pg. 25
Digital Art

“Broken Sphere Over the City”

The city of Serk'Noor was shrouded in darkness, the thick clouds above blocking out the light of the stars. The broken sphere hovering over the city was a symbol of the power of the Rankkkoor Syndicate. This ruthless and powerful criminal organization controlled a large portion of the lawless sector. Captain Lyra of the Inter-Planetary Alliance (IPA) was on a mission to infiltrate the Rankkkoor Syndicate and gather intelligence about their operations. She had managed to secure a job as a security guard in Serk'Noor. She was now making her way to the city in a small shuttlecraft. As she approached the city, she could see the massive walls surrounding it, keeping the residents trapped inside and protected from the harsh outside environment. Serk'Noor was gloomy, with tall buildings and narrow, dark streets. Captain Lyra landed her shuttle in the city's main spaceport and made her way to the customs center for inbound space immigrants. The advanced technology that the Rankkkoor had at their disposal kept the number of vehicles in the city to a minimum, making it easier for them to track who was coming and going. She was met at the customs center by a group of heavily armed guards who scanned her ID and checked her ship for contraband. Satisfied that she posed no threat, they allowed her to proceed into the city. As she made her way through the narrow, dark streets, Captain Lyra couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The city was almost too quiet, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She eventually arrived at her new place of work, a tall, imposing building that served as the headquarters of the Rankkkoor Syndicate. Her new boss, a gruff, no-nonsense man named Vinn, showed her around the facility and introduced her to the other security guards. Captain Lyra quickly settled into her new role, keeping a low profile and gathering information about the Rankkkoor's operations. She soon discovered that the criminal organization was involved in all illegal activities, from weapons smuggling to human trafficking. One day, while on a routine patrol of the city, Captain Lyra stumbled upon a group of enslaved people being held captive in a secret underground facility. She quickly contacted the IPA and reported her findings, and a team was dispatched to raid the facility and rescue the enslaved people. The raid was a success, and Captain Lyra was hailed as a hero for her bravery and quick thinking. The IPA used the information she had gathered to dismantle the syndicate operations on Serk'Noor and bring its leaders to justice. As she looked out over the city from the viewport of her shuttlecraft, Captain Lyra couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had completed her mission and brought the Rankkkoor Syndicate to its knees. And the city of Serk'Noor was now a little brighter and safer because of her actions. As she took off and headed back to her ship orbiting the planet, Captain Lyra couldn't help but think about the future. The lawless sector was still vast and full of danger, but she was confident that the IPA would continue to protect and defend the galaxy against the forces of evil. The fight was far from over, but she was ready to take on the next challenge, wherever it may lead her. Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 12 pg. 25

The city of Serk’Noor was shrouded in darkness, the thick clouds above blocking out the light of the stars. The broken sphere hovering over the city was a symbol of the power of the Rankkkoor Syndicate. This ruthless and powerful criminal organization controlled a large portion of the lawless sector. Captain Lyra of the Inter-Planetary Alliance (IPA) was on a mission to infiltrate the Rankkkoor Syndicate and gather intelligence about their operations. She had managed to secure a job as a security guard in Serk’Noor. She was now making her way to the city in a small shuttlecraft.

As she approached the city, she could see the massive walls surrounding it, keeping the residents trapped inside and

protected from the harsh outside environment. Serk’Noor was gloomy, with tall buildings and narrow, dark streets. Captain Lyra landed her shuttle in the city’s main spaceport and made her way to the customs center for inbound space immigrants. The advanced technology that the Rankkkoor had at their disposal kept the number of vehicles in the city to a minimum, making it easier for them to track who was coming and going.

She was met at the customs center by a group of heavily armed guards who scanned her ID and checked her ship for contraband. Satisfied that she posed no threat, they allowed her to proceed into the city. As she made her way through the narrow, dark streets, Captain Lyra couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. The city was almost too quiet, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. She eventually arrived at her new place of work, a tall, imposing building that served as the headquarters of the Rankkkoor Syndicate. Her new boss, a gruff, no-nonsense man named Vinn, showed her around the facility and introduced her to the other security guards.

Captain Lyra quickly settled into her new role, keeping a low profile and gathering information about the Rankkkoor’s operations. She soon discovered that the criminal organization was involved in all illegal activities, from weapons smuggling to human trafficking. One day, while on a routine patrol of the city, Captain Lyra stumbled upon a group of enslaved people being held captive in a secret underground facility. She quickly contacted the IPA and reported her findings, and a team was dispatched to raid the facility and rescue the enslaved people.

The raid was a success, and Captain Lyra was hailed as a hero for her bravery and quick thinking. The IPA used the information she had gathered to dismantle the syndicate operations on Serk’Noor and bring its leaders to justice. As she looked out over the city from the viewport of her shuttlecraft, Captain Lyra couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had completed her mission and brought the Rankkkoor Syndicate to its knees. And the city of Serk’Noor was now a little brighter and safer because of her actions.

As she took off and headed back to her ship orbiting the planet, Captain Lyra couldn’t help but think about the future. The lawless sector was still vast and full of danger, but she was confident that the IPA would continue to protect and defend the galaxy against the forces of evil. The fight was far from over, but she was ready to take on the next challenge, wherever it may lead her.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 12 pg. 25 –
