The cliffs at Corak Beach are treacherous, and the waves are known to crash violently against them. Some say that a great serpent lurks beneath the waves, waiting to devour any who dare venture too close. The clouds hanging low in the sky only add to the sense of foreboding that one feels when looking at the ocean from atop the spiny rocks. It's a beautiful and dangerous place, and it's easy to see why people are drawn to it. The Corak Beach's spiny cliffs are ominous, with their crashing waves below and dark clouds above. The ocean seems alive with serpentine energy, and the rocks look like they could come to life anytime. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 14 pg 308 -

 The cliffs at Corak Beach are treacherous, and the waves are known to crash violently against them. Some say that a great serpent lurks beneath the waves, waiting to devour any who dare venture too close. The clouds hanging low in the sky only add to the sense of foreboding that one feels when looking at the ocean from atop the spiny rocks. It's a beautiful and dangerous place, and it's easy to see why people are drawn to it. The Corak Beach's spiny cliffs are ominous, with their crashing waves below and dark clouds above. The ocean seems alive with serpentine energy, and the rocks look like they could come to life anytime. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 14 pg 308 -

The cliffs at Corak Beach are treacherous, and the waves are known to crash violently against them. Some say that a great serpent lurks beneath the waves, waiting to devour any who dare venture too close. The clouds hanging low in the sky only add to the sense of foreboding that one feels when looking at the ocean from atop the spiny rocks.

It’s a beautiful and dangerous place, and it’s easy to see why people are drawn to it. The Corak Beach’s spiny cliffs are ominous, with their crashing waves below and dark clouds above. The ocean seems alive with serpentine energy, and the rocks look like they could come to life anytime.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 14 pg 308 –
