Day 1: Arrived at Delta Camp 6802. The colony is abandoned, buildings are crumbling, and equipment is rusted. I've been tasked with maintaining the security of the camp. I'll be alone for the next three years. Day 50: I've been going through the routine maintenance of the camp's systems. Everything is still in working order. I can't help but feel a sense of emptiness in this ghost town. Day 200: The sky has changed. The winds have grown stronger. It's now a permanent overcast. I fear that the camp will soon be uninhabitable. Day 365: I've decided to leave. The camp is no longer safe. I'll be going tomorrow morning. I have to reach a habitable place before it's too late. Day 368: I've set off into the storm. The journey is treacherous, and I've been dodging falling debris and fighting against the howling winds. But I press on, determined to reach safety. Day 380: I've been rescued by a ship sent by the Inter-Planetary Alliance. They were searching for survivors of the colony. I'm safe now. I'm one of the last survivors of Delta Camp 6802. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 05 pg 11 -

 Day 1: Arrived at Delta Camp 6802. The colony is abandoned, buildings are crumbling, and equipment is rusted. I've been tasked with maintaining the security of the camp. I'll be alone for the next three years. Day 50: I've been going through the routine maintenance of the camp's systems. Everything is still in working order. I can't help but feel a sense of emptiness in this ghost town. Day 200: The sky has changed. The winds have grown stronger. It's now a permanent overcast. I fear that the camp will soon be uninhabitable. Day 365: I've decided to leave. The camp is no longer safe. I'll be going tomorrow morning. I have to reach a habitable place before it's too late. Day 368: I've set off into the storm. The journey is treacherous, and I've been dodging falling debris and fighting against the howling winds. But I press on, determined to reach safety. Day 380: I've been rescued by a ship sent by the Inter-Planetary Alliance. They were searching for survivors of the colony. I'm safe now. I'm one of the last survivors of Delta Camp 6802. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 05 pg 11 -

The haze over the Whistie Intelligence Facility is a silent reminder of the heavy pollution that rains daily. The gnarled trees and overgrowth are a testament to the toxic atmosphere, and the decaying structures are a constant reminder of the neglect. The overcast skies are a permanent fixture; the only respite from the oppressive heat is the daily rain.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 3 pg 99 –
