The Glenrock Complex is an abandoned listening post that is said to be cursed. The tropical climate and daily rains have caused the trees to become gnarled and overgrown. Ancient mythology says that ghosts haunt the complex. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 5 pg 90 -

 The Glenrock Complex is an abandoned listening post that is said to be cursed. The tropical climate and daily rains have caused the trees to become gnarled and overgrown. Ancient mythology says that ghosts haunt the complex. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 5 pg 90 -

The Glenrock Complex is an abandoned listening post that is said to be cursed. The tropical climate and daily rains have caused the trees to become gnarled and overgrown. Ancient mythology says that ghosts haunt the complex.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 5 pg 90 –
