Erp Derp PublishingDigital ArtKraken Kity of Kraven
, and the sight of Kraken Kity is breathtaking. The city is a sprawling metropolis that is devoid of life, but it is a symbol of the power of our faith. I can feel the weight of our beliefs in the air, and I am honored to be here. Day 2: I have been given a tour of the city and I am in awe of its grandeur. The buildings are towering structures made of steel and stone that stretch towards the sky. They are covered in intricate carvings that depict the teachings of our faith, and I am filled with pride as I gaze upon them. Day 3: I have been assigned to assist with the purification of a nearby planet. I am nervous, but I know that I must follow the teachings of our faith and cleanse this world of its impurities. The Kraken Kity has equipped us with the necessary tools and technology, and I am ready to face the challenge. Day 4: The mission was a success, and the planet is now a beacon of our faith. The people of the planet have embraced our teachings, and I can see the light of the divine shining in their eyes. I feel blessed to have been a part of this transformation. Day 5: I have returned to Kraken Kity and I am filled with a sense of purpose. Our faith is spreading across the stars, and I know that I must continue to do my part to ensure its growth. The Kraken Kity is the heart of our faith, and I am proud to call it my home. Day 6: I have been given a new mission, and I must leave Kraven once again. I am sad to leave this holy city, but I know that the teachings of our faith must be spread to every corner of the universe. The Kraken Kity will always be in my heart, and I will return to it one day. I will continue to write in my diary, spreading the word of our faith to the stars. The Kraken Kity is the heart of our beliefs, and I will do everything in my power to ensure its growth. Day 8: Today I was assigned to a new mission. I am to lead a team to a planet in the Lawless Sector to convert the inhabitants to the ways of the Whisties. I am both honored and nervous. I am still new to my faith and my leadership skills are untested. But I know that the Kraken Kity of Kraven, the leader of the Whisties, has faith in me and I will do my best to prove myself worthy. Day 10: We have arrived on the planet and I am shocked by what I see. The planet is in chaos, with the inhabitants struggling to survive. They are plagued by disease, famine, and war. It is clear that they are in dire need of the guidance of the Whisties. I have already started spreading the word, and I am pleased to report that many are receptive to our message. Day 15: The progress I am making here is remarkable. More and more of the inhabitants are embracing the Whisties' teachings, and I am confident that soon this planet will be a shining example of the power of our faith. I have also been approached by a group of dissidents who are resisting our message. I will not let their dissent get in the way of our mission. I have faith that the Kraken Kity of Kraven will guide me in the right direction. Day 20: I have received a message from the Kraken Kity of Kraven. She is pleased with my progress and has ordered me to continue my mission, but to also be cautious of the Rankkkoor. I have heard rumors that they are planning to interfere with our mission, but I am not afraid. I know that the Whisties will protect me and I will not fail them. Day 25: I have received reports that the Rankkkoor have indeed arrived on the planet. They are spreading their own twisted message, trying to turn the inhabitants against us. I have called on the faithful to stand strong, and I am confident that we will overcome this challenge. The Kraken Kity of Kraven has also sent additional support, and I know that we will succeed in our mission. Day 30: The Rankkkoor have been defeated, and the planet is now firmly in the hands of the Whisties. The inhabitants are flourishing, and the city is being built to reflect the teachings of the Whisties. I am proud of what we have accomplished here and I know that the Kraken Kity of Kraven is proud of me. I am ready for my next mission, wherever it may take me. Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 4 pg. 67

, and the sight of Kraken Kity is breathtaking. The city is a sprawling metropolis that is devoid of life, but it is a symbol of the power of our faith. I can feel the weight of our beliefs in the air, and I am honored to be here. Day 2: I have been given a tour of the city and I am in awe of its grandeur. The buildings are towering structures made of steel and stone that stretch towards the sky. They are covered in intricate carvings that depict the teachings of our faith, and I am filled with pride as I gaze upon them. Day 3: I have been assigned to assist with the purification of a nearby planet. I am nervous, but I know that I must follow the teachings of our faith and cleanse this world of its impurities. The Kraken Kity has equipped us with the necessary tools and technology, and I am ready to face the challenge. Day 4: The mission was a success, and the planet is now a beacon of our faith. The people of the planet have embraced our teachings, and I can see the light of the divine shining in their eyes. I feel blessed to have been a part of this transformation. Day 5: I have returned to Kraken Kity and I am filled with a sense of purpose. Our faith is spreading across the stars, and I know that I must continue to do my part to ensure its growth. The Kraken Kity is the heart of our faith, and I am proud to call it my home. Day 6: I have been given a new mission, and I must leave Kraven once again. I am sad to leave this holy city, but I know that the teachings of our faith must be spread to every corner of the universe. The Kraken Kity will always be in my heart, and I will return to it one day. I will continue to write in my diary, spreading the word of our faith to the stars. The Kraken Kity is the heart of our beliefs, and I will do everything in my power to ensure its growth. Day 8: Today I was assigned to a new mission. I am to lead a team to a planet in the Lawless Sector to convert the inhabitants to the ways of the Whisties. I am both honored and nervous. I am still new to my faith and my leadership skills are untested. But I know that the Kraken Kity of Kraven, the leader of the Whisties, has faith in me and I will do my best to prove myself worthy. Day 10: We have arrived on the planet and I am shocked by what I see. The planet is in chaos, with the inhabitants struggling to survive. They are plagued by disease, famine, and war. It is clear that they are in dire need of the guidance of the Whisties. I have already started spreading the word, and I am pleased to report that many are receptive to our message. Day 15: The progress I am making here is remarkable. More and more of the inhabitants are embracing the Whisties' teachings, and I am confident that soon this planet will be a shining example of the power of our faith. I have also been approached by a group of dissidents who are resisting our message. I will not let their dissent get in the way of our mission. I have faith that the Kraken Kity of Kraven will guide me in the right direction. Day 20: I have received a message from the Kraken Kity of Kraven. She is pleased with my progress and has ordered me to continue my mission, but to also be cautious of the Rankkkoor. I have heard rumors that they are planning to interfere with our mission, but I am not afraid. I know that the Whisties will protect me and I will not fail them. Day 25: I have received reports that the Rankkkoor have indeed arrived on the planet. They are spreading their own twisted message, trying to turn the inhabitants against us. I have called on the faithful to stand strong, and I am confident that we will overcome this challenge. The Kraken Kity of Kraven has also sent additional support, and I know that we will succeed in our mission. Day 30: The Rankkkoor have been defeated, and the planet is now firmly in the hands of the Whisties. The inhabitants are flourishing, and the city is being built to reflect the teachings of the Whisties. I am proud of what we have accomplished here and I know that the Kraken Kity of Kraven is proud of me. I am ready for my next mission, wherever it may take me. Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 4 pg. 67

As a devout Whistie, I feel the call of the divine to spread the word of our beliefs to the stars. I have been chosen to travel to Kraven, the home planet of our faith, to witness the power and majesty of the Kraken Kity, our capital city.

Day 1: I have arrived on Kraven, and the sight of Kraken Kity is breathtaking. The city is a sprawling metropolis devoid of life, but it symbolizes the power of our faith. I can feel the weight of our beliefs in the air, and I am honored to be here.

Day 2: I have been given a tour of the city and am in awe of its grandeur. The buildings are towering steel and stone structures stretching toward the sky. They are covered in

intricate carvings depicting our faith’s teachings, and I am filled with pride as I gaze upon them.

Day 3: I have been assigned to assist with purifying a nearby planet. I am nervous, but I know that I must follow the teachings of our faith and cleanse this world of its impurities. The Whist has equipped us with the necessary tools and technology, and I am ready to face the challenge.

Day 4: The mission was successful, and the planet is now a beacon of our faith. The people of the planet have embraced our teachings, and I can see the light of the divine shining in their eyes. I feel blessed to have been a part of this transformation.

Day 5: I have returned to Kraken Kity and am filled with purpose. Our faith is spreading across the stars, and I must continue to do my part to ensure its growth. The Kraken Kity is the heart of our faith, and I am proud to call it my home.

Day 6: I have been given a new mission and must leave Kraven again. I am sad to leave this holy city, but I know that the teachings of our faith must be spread to every corner of the universe. The Whist will always be in my heart, and I will return to it one day.

I will continue to write in my diary, spreading the word of our faith to the stars. The Whist is the heart of our beliefs, and I will do everything I can to ensure its growth.

Day 8: Today, I was assigned to a new mission. I am to lead a team to a planet in the Lawless Sector to convert the inhabitants to the ways of The Whist. I am both honored and nervous. I am still new to my faith, and my leadership skills are untested. But I know The Whist has faith in me, and I will do my best to prove myself worthy.

Day 10: We have arrived on the planet, and I am shocked by what I see. The planet is in chaos, with the inhabitants struggling to survive. They are plagued by disease, famine, and war. They are in dire need of the guidance of the Whisties. I have already started spreading the word, and I am pleased to report that many are receptive to our message.

Day 15: The progress I am making here is remarkable. More and more of the inhabitants are embracing The Whist teachings, and I am confident that soon this planet will be a shining example of the power of our faith. I have also been approached by a group of dissidents resisting our message. I will not let their dissent get in the way of our mission. I believe The Whist will guide me in the right direction.

Day 20: I received a message from Kraven. They are pleased with my progress and have ordered me to continue my mission and be cautious of the Rankkkoor. I have heard rumors that they plan to interfere with our mission, but I am not afraid. I know that The Whist will protect me, and I will not fail them.

Day 25:I have received reports that the Rankkkoor has arrived on the planet. They spread their twisted message, trying to turn the inhabitants against us. I have called on the faithful to stand firm, and I am confident we will overcome this challenge. The Whist has also sent additional support, and I know we will succeed in our mission.

Day 30: The Rankkkoor have been defeated, and the planet is now firmly in the hands of The Whist. The inhabitants are flourishing, and the city is being built to reflect the teachings of The Whist. I am proud of what we have accomplished here, and I know The Whist is proud of me. I am ready for my next mission, wherever it may take me.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 4 pg. 67 –
