Lenape Creek was once a picturesque place located on the planet of Zorathia. The creek was surrounded by lush vegetation and teeming with diverse wildlife. But now, it was nothing more than a toxic wasteland. The water and the air were polluted. The ground was littered with debris, and the stench of decay surrounded the world. The inhabitants of the area around Lenape Creek had long since abandoned their homes and fled to other planets, leaving behind a global junkyard. The only signs of life were the scavengers that roamed the wasteland, searching for anything of value among the rubble. One such scavenger was a lone human named Jake. He had been stranded on Zorathia for years, ever since his ship had crash-landed near Lenape Creek. He had survived by scavenging for food and supplies, but he knew he could never leave the area. The radiation levels were too high, and there was no way to repair his ship. Despite his dire situation, Jake refused to give up hope. He spent his days wandering the wasteland, searching for anything to help him survive. He knew that somewhere in the area, there had to be something that could save him. One day, Jake stumbled upon a strange object among the debris. It was a small, glowing orb unlike anything he had ever seen. Jake picked it up and examined it closely, but he couldn't figure out what it was or what it did. Jake took the orb with him as he searched for a way off the planet. As he walked, he noticed that the air around him began to clear, and the radiation levels dropped. He couldn't believe it - the orb was somehow purifying the air. Excited by this discovery, Jake continued to explore the area, and soon he found something even more incredible. Amidst the rubble and debris, he found a hidden underground facility. Inside, he found advanced technology and a working spacecraft. Jake knew that he had finally found a way off the planet. He quickly gathered all the supplies he could carry and boarded the spacecraft. As he prepared to take off, he looked back at Lenape Creek and thought about all the years he had spent stranded in the toxic wasteland. But despite all the hardships, Jake knew that he had been lucky. He had found a way to survive and discovered something that could change the area's fate. He knew he would never forget Lenape Creek, but he was ready to leave it behind and start a new chapter in his life. As the spacecraft soared into the sky, Jake looked back one last time at the planet below. He knew he would never be able to save Lenape Creek, but he hoped that one day, someone would come along and find a way to clean up the toxic wasteland and bring new life to the area. But until then, Lenape Creek remained a junkyard, a reminder of humanity's destructive ways. b – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 5 pg. 86 –

Lenape Creek was once a picturesque place located on the planet of Zorathia. The creek was surrounded by lush vegetation and teeming with diverse wildlife. But now, it was nothing more than a toxic wasteland. The water and the air were polluted. The ground was littered with debris, and the stench of decay surrounded the world. The inhabitants of the area around Lenape Creek had long since abandoned their homes and fled to other planets, leaving behind a global junkyard. The only signs of life were the scavengers that roamed the wasteland, searching for anything of value among the rubble. One such scavenger was a lone human named Jake. He had been stranded on Zorathia for years, ever since his ship had crash-landed near Lenape Creek. He had survived by scavenging for food and supplies, but he knew he could never leave the area. The radiation levels were too high, and there was no way to repair his ship. Despite his dire situation, Jake refused to give up hope. He spent his days wandering the wasteland, searching for anything to help him survive. He knew that somewhere in the area, there had to be something that could save him. One day, Jake stumbled upon a strange object among the debris. It was a small, glowing orb unlike anything he had ever seen. Jake picked it up and examined it closely, but he couldn't figure out what it was or what it did. Jake took the orb with him as he searched for a way off the planet. As he walked, he noticed that the air around him began to clear, and the radiation levels dropped. He couldn't believe it - the orb was somehow purifying the air. Excited by this discovery, Jake continued to explore the area, and soon he found something even more incredible. Amidst the rubble and debris, he found a hidden underground facility. Inside, he found advanced technology and a working spacecraft. Jake knew that he had finally found a way off the planet. He quickly gathered all the supplies he could carry and boarded the spacecraft. As he prepared to take off, he looked back at Lenape Creek and thought about all the years he had spent stranded in the toxic wasteland. But despite all the hardships, Jake knew that he had been lucky. He had found a way to survive and discovered something that could change the area's fate. He knew he would never forget Lenape Creek, but he was ready to leave it behind and start a new chapter in his life. As the spacecraft soared into the sky, Jake looked back one last time at the planet below. He knew he would never be able to save Lenape Creek, but he hoped that one day, someone would come along and find a way to clean up the toxic wasteland and bring new life to the area. But until then, Lenape Creek remained a junkyard, a reminder of humanity's destructive ways. b – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 5 pg. 86 –

Lenape Creek was once a picturesque place located on the planet of Zorathia. The creek was surrounded by lush vegetation and teeming with diverse wildlife. But now, it was nothing more than a toxic wasteland. The water and the air were polluted. The ground was littered with debris, and the stench of decay surrounded the world. The inhabitants of the area around Lenape Creek had long since abandoned their homes and fled to other planets, leaving behind a global junkyard. The only signs of life were the scavengers that roamed the wasteland, searching for anything of value among the rubble.

One such scavenger was a lone human named Jake. He had been stranded on Zorathia for years, ever since his ship had crash-landed near Lenape Creek. He had survived by scavenging for food and supplies, but he knew he could never leave the area. The radiation levels were too high, and there was no way to repair his ship. Despite his dire situation, Jake refused to give up hope. He spent his days wandering the wasteland, searching for anything to help him survive. He knew that somewhere in the area, there had to be something that could save him.

One day, Jake stumbled upon a strange object among the debris. It was a small, glowing orb unlike anything he had ever seen. Jake picked it up and examined it closely, but he couldn’t figure out what it was or what it did. Jake took the orb with him as he searched for a way off the planet. As he walked, he noticed that the air around him began to clear, and the radiation levels dropped. He couldn’t believe it – the orb was somehow purifying

the air. Excited by this discovery, Jake continued to explore the area, and soon he found something even more incredible. Amidst the rubble and debris, he found a hidden underground facility. Inside, he found advanced technology and a working spacecraft.

Jake knew that he had finally found a way off the planet. He quickly gathered all the supplies he could carry and boarded the spacecraft. As he prepared to take off, he looked back at Lenape Creek and thought about all the years he had spent stranded in the toxic wasteland. But despite all the hardships, Jake knew that he had been lucky. He had found a way to survive and discovered something that could change the area’s fate. He knew he would never forget Lenape Creek, but he was ready to leave it behind and start a new chapter in his life. As the spacecraft soared into the sky, Jake looked back one last time at the planet below. He knew he would never be able to save Lenape Creek, but he hoped that one day, someone would come along and find a way to clean up the toxic wasteland and bring new life to the area. But until then, Lenape Creek remained a junkyard, a reminder of humanity’s destructive ways.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 5 pg. 86 –
