The city of Sovaj Min is on a frozen planet rich in mineral deposits. The atmosphere is thin, and the winters are perpetual. The Yuconzin outpost is located in a rugged mountain terrain unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The population is limited, and the winters are harsh, with wind-swept snow drifts. Winter Camp is located in an area particularly hostile to human life. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 2 pg 8 –

 The city of Sovaj Min is on a frozen planet rich in mineral deposits. The atmosphere is thin, and the winters are perpetual. The Yuconzin outpost is located in a rugged mountain terrain unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The population is limited, and the winters are harsh, with wind-swept snow drifts. Winter Camp is located in an area particularly hostile to human life. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 2 pg 8 –

The city of Sovaj Min is on a frozen planet rich in mineral deposits. The atmosphere is thin, and the winters are perpetual. The Yuconzin outpost is located in a rugged mountain terrain unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The population is limited, and the winters are harsh, with wind-swept snow drifts. Winter Camp is located in an area particularly hostile to human life.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 2 pg 8 –
