Erp Derp PublishingDigital ArtThe Monoliths of Xylar
It was another day on the planet of Xylar, with a temperate climate and overcast toxic clouds that cast a green hue over the landscape. The exploration team from the Inter-Planetary Alliance had been sent to this planet to survey its resources. As the team made their way through the dense jungle, they noticed something in the distance. At first, it appeared to be a large rock outcropping, but as they approached, they realized it was something far more impressive. Towering over the jungle, it was a massive stone statue, similar to the ones found on Easter Island on old Earth. The team was stunned as they gazed upon the towering monoliths. They had never seen anything like it on other planets they had explored. The sheer size of the statues was awe-inspiring, making everything else seem small in comparison. As they continued their exploration, they found more of the monoliths, each unique and intricately carved. The team soon realized that they were not just stone statues, but they were also serving a practical purpose. Some were used as landmarks, while others served as warning signs, indicating areas of the planet that were too toxic for life to survive. The team's excitement grew as they uncovered more evidence of an intelligent species that once lived on Xylar. They found ancient ruins, artifacts, and inscriptions that hinted at a sophisticated culture that had once thrived on the planet. But as they continued to explore, they also saw the devastating impact that the toxic clouds had had on the biosphere of Xylar. The once thriving planet was now a fragile ecosystem, struggling to survive. The team realized that the monoliths were more than just statues. They were a testament to a civilization that had once thrived on Xylar. A warning to future generations of the dangers of neglecting the environment. As the team prepared to leave Xylar, they promised to share what they had learned with the rest of the Inter-Planetary Alliance. They hoped their findings would encourage others to take better care of the planets they inhabited so that future generations could avoid the same fate as the civilization of Xylar. Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 9 pg. 37

It was another day on the planet of Xylar, with a temperate climate and overcast toxic clouds that cast a green hue over the landscape. The exploration team from the Inter-Planetary Alliance had been sent to this planet to survey its resources. As the team made their way through the dense jungle, they noticed something in the distance. At first, it appeared to be a large rock outcropping, but as they approached, they realized it was something far more impressive. Towering over the jungle, it was a massive stone statue, similar to the ones found on Easter Island on old Earth. The team was stunned as they gazed upon the towering monoliths. They had never seen anything like it on other planets they had explored. The sheer size of the statues was awe-inspiring, making everything else seem small in comparison. As they continued their exploration, they found more of the monoliths, each unique and intricately carved. The team soon realized that they were not just stone statues, but they were also serving a practical purpose. Some were used as landmarks, while others served as warning signs, indicating areas of the planet that were too toxic for life to survive. The team's excitement grew as they uncovered more evidence of an intelligent species that once lived on Xylar. They found ancient ruins, artifacts, and inscriptions that hinted at a sophisticated culture that had once thrived on the planet. But as they continued to explore, they also saw the devastating impact that the toxic clouds had had on the biosphere of Xylar. The once thriving planet was now a fragile ecosystem, struggling to survive. The team realized that the monoliths were more than just statues. They were a testament to a civilization that had once thrived on Xylar. A warning to future generations of the dangers of neglecting the environment. As the team prepared to leave Xylar, they promised to share what they had learned with the rest of the Inter-Planetary Alliance. They hoped their findings would encourage others to take better care of the planets they inhabited so that future generations could avoid the same fate as the civilization of Xylar. Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 9 pg. 37

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 3 pg. 5 –

The wind kicked up a cloud of sand as I stepped off the landing ramp of my spacecraft. I had been traveling for an eternity, searching for a place to call home. This barren, sandy wasteland was my last hope. The lake was the first thing I saw, its sickly green color contrasting with the beige of the surrounding desert. I knew it was toxic, but I had to investigate. Perhaps there was a source of water I could use or some food to sustain me. I approached the shore cautiously, trying not to touch the water.

Walking along the shore, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. The greenish clouds hanging low in the sky were a mystery. I had never seen anything like them before. They seemed to be a constant presence, blocking out any light that might otherwise reach the ground. It was as if the planet was trying to keep its secrets hidden. The barren landscape offered no signs of life, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was not alone. I set up camp near the lake, using my spacecraft as a windbreak. I spent the next few days exploring the area, searching for any signs of life or resources. But I found nothing. The planet was devoid of life, a lifeless wasteland.

One day, as I explored a rocky outcropping near the shore, I stumbled upon a cave. I had to see what was inside, so I grabbed my torch and entered the darkness. The cave was unlike anything I had ever seen. The walls were covered in strange, glowing green markings. I couldn’t decipher their meaning, but I knew they were necessary. I spent hours exploring the cave, trying to understand what I was looking at. Eventually, I found what I had been searching for, a small pool of water hidden in the back of the cave. It was the first source of clean water I had found on the planet.

I quickly filled my water bottles and started to make my way back to the surface. But climbing out of the cave, I heard a strange noise. It was a low hum like something was coming alive. I quickly returned to my spacecraft, taking off just as a massive, unknown entity emerged from the cave. I never returned to that planet. I didn’t want to risk encountering whatever was down there. But the strange markings in the cave stayed with me, haunting me for years to come. I still wonder what they meant and what kind of life could exist in such a lonely place.
