Merd is a desert planet that is almost entirely desolate. Very little vegetation and no water make it extremely difficult to survive. The rugged terrain makes it even more difficult to find shelter or food resources that must be imported from other planets. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 3 pg 99 -

 Merd is a desert planet that is almost entirely desolate. Very little vegetation and no water make it extremely difficult to survive. The rugged terrain makes it even more difficult to find shelter or food resources that must be imported from other planets. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 3 pg 99 -

Merd is a desert planet that is almost entirely desolate. Very little vegetation and no water make it extremely difficult to survive. The rugged terrain makes it even more difficult to find shelter or food resources that must be imported from other planets.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 3 pg 99 –
