The wintertime on Yuconzin is brutal. The thin atmosphere and frozen planet make it rich in mineral deposits, but it's unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The limited population has limited mobility in winter snow, and rugged mountain terrain makes survival even more challenging. Wind-swept snow drifts are a common sight. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 3 pg 405 –

The wintertime on Yuconzin is brutal. The thin atmosphere and frozen planet make it rich in mineral deposits, but it's unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The limited population has limited mobility in winter snow, and rugged mountain terrain makes survival even more challenging. Wind-swept snow drifts are a common sight. – Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 3 pg 405 –

The wintertime on Yuconzin is brutal. The thin atmosphere and frozen planet make it rich in mineral deposits, but it’s unfriendly to humans without winter gear. The limited population has limited mobility in winter snow, and rugged mountain terrain makes survival even more challenging. Wind-swept snow drifts are a common sight.

– Milky Way Digest [MWD} vol 3 pg 405 –
